Monday, December 27, 2010


 Married Saints by John F Fink and Married Saints and Blesseds: Through the Centuries by M J Miller;
These book are great for married people who want to learn more about saints who can inspire married couples.

Words that heal and words that hurt
by Joseph Telushkin
. This book really makes you relize we need to choose our words carefully... think before we speak.
It made some points;
Such needlessly hurtful words serve no one’s interest.

...both quick tempers and sharp wits. This combination sometime tempts them to make clever, but hurtful wisecracks at other people expense...

who is a hero the one who suppresses a wisecrack

If someone constantly criticizing you for things you are doing wrong and rarely tells you when you’ve done something right, there’s a chance the person does not want anything to do with you and/or their criticisms are overstated and unfair.

A man should never single out one of his children for favourable treatment.

Unfortunately, this biblical wisdom flies in the face of much of the modern thinking. Today many people believe that it is unhealthy to suppress rage if your feel emotion, it’s considered important to say exactly what you’re feeling. This sort of pop- psychology assertion can be deflated with one-word question “Why”? That you feel rage does not entitle you to inflict emotional pain on others  

When people become angry their reason becomes bent

Critics who use the words "always" and "never" compel the listener to act defensively.

When I was young I admired clever people now that I am older I admire kind people.

The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook

This book was very helpful for starting to home educate your kids and some good ideas on reducing the stress levels.

Catholic Education: Homeward Bound: A Useful Guide to Catholic Home Schooling

Kimberly Hahn, Mary Hasson

This is the one of the best books for catholic home educators

Some tips

Don’t over schedule children

Let phone calls go to the answering machine so you don’t loose focus for your children education and have no distractions

Father Time

by Daniel Petre

Opens your eyes to what is important for your children and it is giving your time to be with them

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life

by Townsend and Cloud
This book is good for those who find it hard to say no to over scheduling your life. Also if you have people in your life who tell you; who you should be, how to live your life and they tear you down and increase pressure and harass you if you do not comply to their demands, this book will clear up the misconception of being a Christian does not mean being a door-mat.

When a Church Becomes a Cult:

This book had pointed out some helpful warning signs of cult like behaviour in some religious groups and the damage that can be avoided. Some of the traits of cult like behaviour you will be able to recognise and steer clear of.