Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Mount Wellington Hobart

Huon River Tasmania


Sunday, October 20, 2013

It is surprising by the lack of knowledge of basic science many of the Pro "Choice" side have. One of the signs they hold is implying a sperm is a baby. Interactive Prenatal Development Timeline would clear up any doubt on the basics of when life begins. Science is quite clear when pregnancy starts this is a human not just tissues, not a kidney but a human being. Abortion is legal up to the ninth month in Victoria. This is clearly violating the unborn people of their rights.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

At the march for the Babies today was a success there was a large crowd of pro-lifers that came to the march. The small pro-"choice" group that blocked the pro-life march and then threw eggs, grabbed pro-life signs out the hands of life marchers then ripped the signs throwing them to the ground and jumping on signs and spat at pro-lifers. The Pro-"choicer" side screamed at a children and shoved their way amongst the life marchers (including the elderly). They threw a pro-lifer to the ground and kicked him. They had signs F%#@ Life. and other foul signs. The life marchers were there legally with a permit to march, while these people who gate crashed what would of been a peaceful march. So much for free speech.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pope condemns abortion as product of 'throwaway culture'  (September 20th)

Pope speaks about Marriage

“Today, there are those who say that marriage is out of fashion... They say that it is not worth making a life-long commitment, making a definitive decision, ‘for ever’, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, that believes you are incapable of true love."

  Pope Francis

Monday, September 9, 2013

Holiday with friends at Phillip Island


Unfortunately we had to remove the Liquid Amber tree; it was rotting inside the trunk and was starting to drop large branches.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II.
Father Kolbe’s:  His holiness was a limitless, passionate desire to convert the whole world to God.  He is an inspiration.


over the years